What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

Why didn’t I notice that mould before it spread into the hallway by my garage, I’ll never know. I’m thankful that your team had the ability to get in and locate all hidden moisture so I didn’t have this recurring issue. Kudos!

We had renters and didn’t realize they had a small kitchen fire – they did an awful job trying to cover it with paint. The stench was horrible! Dan, you guys made our life easier and now the unit is habitable again. I cannot express enough thanks.

I was told to try your team at SERVPRO after we noticed mould in our garage. I am so happy we didn’t try to clean it ourselves. We didn’t realize how dangerous it could be to breathe in! Thanks guys!

We never thought we would recover so quickly from the fire damage we were left with.  Your technicians were a hard-working group for sure.   

The mould had taken over the house and I thought it could never be cleaned out properly but you just did a fantastic job and we don't have the slightest bit of that musty odour!  Terrific work and thank you so much!

The workers did more in 20 minutes than the previous company did in a week!  You are lifesavers! We will be thanking our claims rep for the referral.